Thursday, February 28, 2013

Theme Thursday: Happiness or Joy

Ahhh Theme Thursday, it has come again.

 I was very disappointed not to participate in last week's Architecture theme - we were visiting family in North Carolina and I was hoping to get some shots of the church we were married in. But you read how Mass went so that definitely didn't happen. Then I got sick, and then I got sick again. I survived the whole winter until now in relatively good health only to be taken down by mastitis and then my poor depleted immune system took a sucker punch to the gut courtesy of the common cold.  I'm rocking the "All Items (+1000)" in Google Feed Reader right now and searching the skies waiting for either my Fairy Godmother or Mary Poppins to float down out of the sky and rescue me...

This seems perfectly reasonable, right??

   (To be fair, my mom and sisters dropped everything last weekend to come take care of me - but somehow the only thing I managed to get done was write my Quick Takes and take some Taco Cat pictures...)

 Anyway, hopefully being so sick + giving up TV for Lent can give me enough brownie points to make up for the fact that I gave the girls actual brownies as a mid-morning snack.  Also, it seemed like it would be a really good opportunity to capture "Happiness and Joy".

But apparently, not so much.
"Children, I have just given you an unusually sugar laden mid-morning snack!  How do you feel?!"

Seriously, kids.  Your happiness and joy is too overwhelming for this link-up.  And what the heck are those spots on the right-hand side?  Has anyone ever seen those before??  I detached the lens and looked inside, saw nothing, and when I hooked it back up it seems the spots are gone?

I decided to try another angle...sweet baby boy, who always wakes up happy.  I'm starting to worry he might have been switched at birth, since that's just not a quality anyone else in the family possesses.

This smile makes me so happy.
It's also proof that my photography skills are most definitely regressing.

Once again, I'm really thankful for this link up because it makes me take pictures even if they aren't the greatest quality.  Seriously, I've never even purposefully set out to capture this kid's grin - shame on me!!  So thanks once again Cari, for my weekly kick in the photography pants.

See ya'll tomorrow for some quick takes...


  1.'s to hoping you get better quick! (Me...holding up a toast to you...a cup of tea!)

    Love brownies ANY time of day...and that smiley baby is sweeet!

    Have a great weekend, friend! : )

  2. Wow, that grin! I wonder if it has something to do with being the youngest of many, and so close in age. You sort of have to adapt to take things as they roll . . .

    My sympathy with the mastitis. Are you getting enough good bacteria in your system? Try drinking (yes, drinking!) pro-biotic yogurt.

  3. You have to promise them the treat AFTER they take a good picture. Then sometimes they forget about the treat anyway...

    Now I need to go make some brownies.

  4. Seriously, could those kids get any cuter?! I'm like exploding from cuteness overload! Emeric's smile...heart = melted. I miss you!

  5. Brownies are a great treat any time. They always bring me happiness and joy. Cute kiddos! Hope you feel better soon.

  6. There is nothing better than the toothless grins. Nothing!
    Glad to see you back and I hope you're on the mend!
