Friday, March 8, 2013

Quick Takes #12 - The friends, procrastination, and naughty children edition

1.  I am suuuuuuuuper happy I got to meet Meg this week!!!  And I got to witness firsthand her amazing speaker/storytelling skills.  She had my girls sitting on her lap, hanging on her every word, completely captivated by - bible princess stories.  It's true.  And if you think my children naturally sit and quietly listen rapt with attention to these kinds of things, see takes #3 and 4.  If you've never read her blog, you should.  And if you are looking for a completely awesome speaker, she's your woman.

I definitely did not get Meg's permission to post this photo.
But just LOOK at how fascinated the girls are by her story!!

2. Also in blog-friends-turned-real-life-friends news, I'm ridiculously excited to get to meet Rosie this weekend!!!  And Rosie, please don't read takes 3 and 4.  I don't want you to have second thoughts about hanging out.  It's kind of mind boggling that we have 7 children under the age of 4 between us, and I just realized how outnumbered us adults are going to be.  I really hope they don't realize this and stage a mutiny.

3. I am so happy to see Jen is considering reversing the order of the Quick Takes linky list for the procrastinators of the blogging world.  Just in case anyone needs a refresher on why I can never seem to pull my posts together on time:

One million billion mom points to me for keeping a straight face this time.

4. And if you're still not ready to give me a pass for being chronically late to link ups:

I came out of the bathroom to this today.
They were trying to barricade "mean mommy" into the bedroom.

5. Our CSA started this week!!

Which means I WILL master the art of the sweet potato fry this year.  Any helpful hints on getting them nice and crispy??

6. Emeric weighed in at a whopping 15lbs 5oz at his 4 month check up, which places him solidly into the "average" category.  After two scrawny girls I'm pretty excited about that.

He's got nothin' on mom at 4 months, though.

7. I've been trying to read through my feed list from the past 3 weeks or so alphabetically.  I've been at it a few days, and so far I'm on "B". If I all of a sudden comment bomb you, this is why.

Now off to Jen's place for the rest!!


  1. CHUBSTASTIC CHUBBERSONS! Oh man. Love that pic. So much with the loving.

  2. Jealous of IRL blogger meet-ups! Come to California this summer! Come oooooooon, I'm flying all the way across the Pacific. The least you can do is a cross-country hop. (HA!)

    Love chubby baby you!

    And Jmaie, yogurt is a beauty treatment. Your girls are just glams, ya know?

  3. I too have had barricades of toys set up against me....usually it's because they were doing something naughty in their room and thought they might have a better chance of getting away with it if I couldn't come in....not the best plan ever, but impressive thought process :)

    I love the picture of the yogurt hair....I never catch the hair smearing in action--I always notice afterward and am forced to guess at what the substance is.

  4. I'm SO excited for your CSA! Seeing all that beautiful produce laid out just makes me so happy!!!

  5. So much to smile at in this post...yogurt in the hair, a toy barricade...=) Also, when I see CSA I think of Confederate States of America even though I know what you're talking about...too much Civil War research I guess. =)

  6. I tagged you for a Liebster... check it out!
